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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What is the Difference Between Sea Scallops and Bay Scallops?

Scallops can help a lot in making your dinner more indulgent and luxurious, with additional benefits that they can get ready in minutes with very little effort. There is a large variety of scallop species but you should know that tasty bivalve is always categorized into two groups including sea scallops and bay scallops. Sea Scallop Waynesboro MS and Bay Scallops are supplied by many authentic companies which believe in supplying high quality foods.

Size matters a lot
You will always notice that size matters a lot when it comes to scallops. Bay scallops are always small, whereas sea scallops can be up to three times larger. Their size difference can have a really good impact on flavor, and also knowing the best ways how to cook every single variety.

Know more about Bay Scallops
Bay scallops are mostly found in shallow waters of bay along the coast of United States. Bay scallops are mostly purchased when others are shucked. Due to their small size, bay scallops always get significance from short cook and the gentle preparation method, just like quick sauté or poaching. Apart from this, there is a huge difference in texture and taste of bay scallops. There are small bivalves who have pink to light beige color with tender texture, sweet taste and delicate.

Know more about Sea Scallops
The category of scallop is always harvested from cold sea waters and deep year-round. Sea scallops are always harvested by chains, trawling boats and nets, they can also be hand-harvested. The latter, sometimes linked to diver scallops require more labor-intensive procedure; these scallops are always less damaged and also come with higher price tag.

Sea scallops are always three times larger in size as compared to bay scallops, with some of them reaching almost two inches in diameter. Meat is still enjoyable and always has a sweet flavor. Sea scallops are always larger, they are delicate and benefit from cook times whether they are poached or grilled.  If you are in US, you can look for nice Sea Scallops Waynesboro MS which are supplied by reliable companies for sea food.

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