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Monday, February 12, 2018

The Uses And Benefits Of White Paper

A white paper is a type of report that describes in detail a particular issue and the solution according to the people or organization that are issuing the white paper. The white paper helps readers understand the issue, give their point of view and help them to make a rational decision. There are different types of white paper depending upon the authority which is issuing the white paper. Political parties use white paper to highlight a national or domestic issue on a public level. Organizations use white paper for marketing purposes in order to attract new customers.

Sample of white paper is mostly used by organizations to promote their brand and when introducing new products or services in the market. The white paper informs the customers about a specific technology, product, method and service and entice the customers to m
ake a purchase decision.

Sample of white paper are widely used in many organization as a content and marketing tool. The white paper are specifically designed for marketing purposes to persuade and influence current and prospective consumers to buy a product or use a service. Many of the white paper are used for B2B (business to business) purpose in which suppliers contact the organizations or vice versa.  B2B also include business interaction between a producer and retailer. The white paper helps to develop a buying decision among the organizations convincing them how the particular product can solve their problems and is better than any of its competitors in the market. There are three type of white paper which help in B2B marketing 

·         Numbered lists: This pinpoints all the essential features and benefits of the offering
·         Backgrounders: This includes all the technical specifications
·         Problem and solution: This contain any pertinent technical problem and its solution

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