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Monday, January 28, 2019

Does your Landing Page have these 5 Selling Points?

Is your landing page impressively designed to target online audience directly on a particular page? Do you know what an effective landing page is and what are the most important elements or selling points that compel your readers to buy your product or perform an action that you are expecting from them?
In this article, we will give you useful information about landing pages so that you have clear concept in mind. If you want landing pages for your own website and have no knowledge, than this is your lucky day. Landing page is a web page within your website that lets your users land on when they come from any online medium by clicking on the headline they are interested in. Your landing page should be designed in simple and elegant manner that should be able to convince readers to click on call to action button and land on specific page. There are two types of landing pages:
  • Click Through Landing (CLT) Pages:
Click through landing pages persuade website visitors to click and land from one site to another. This type of landing page is mostly used to describe product or offer, to grab customers’ attention, create interest and develop desire by telling them the benefits so they can be assisted in making their purchase decision.
  • Lead Generation Landing Pages:
Lead Generation Landing Pages are designed to get user information like name and email address so that you can contact them. It includes a form, mentioning the benefits that users will get in return for submitting their personal information.
There are five fundamental selling points that must be part of your landing pages that increase CTR and generate sales leads:
  1. Your sole Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
The first and the foremost important selling point is presentation of your USP or we may say your business value proposition. It is the main description of your business offerings, its products/services and core benefits that will compel your readers to click on particular landing page. You can decide which USP to use, depending on the size of your landing page and the fulfillment of your basic objective. There are four basic elements of USP that support you in creating a perfect landing page that generate leads for your business:
  • Main headline of your landing page: It is the initial thing that attracts your readers to look at the page, it should be attention grabbing so that your readers can read and look at your landing page further. Your headline must be strong enough to convince readers that they are on the right page and they will get the right product/service that fulfills their needs.
  • The subheading: Your headline must be short and compelling. Long headlines do not attract customers, however, to make concrete and concise headline, the best way is to use supporting subheading. Subheading provides complete information to the reader about what it is searching for.
  • The support statement: This statement is used in the middle way or at the middle of the landing page to maintain the interest of the readers. Its main purpose is to serve the audience and communicate your true message.
  • The closing point: This is the point when you can communicate your point of offering and it supports your USP. In CLT pages, you have to use call to action so that you can inform your audience what next they have to do.
  1. Use of Right Image:
The second significant point is to use the right image or photograph that should support your message. If your landing page is offering a product than a perfect image or video of your product will work well. You can even use images with core features of your product on sides making you utilize the space in transforming right amount of information. Do not bombard it with content, however, efficient use of images will lead to get desired action.
  1. Show benefits:
The most important element that convinces readers and creates desire is the benefits of your offerings. Try to add 4 to 8 benefits of your product/ service or offer in clear, concise, concrete, considerate and complete manner. Your benefits must be written with clarity and courtesy. Use simple language as using complicated jargons will distract your audience and they will leave your landing page. Simple and easy to read words help in informing the readers about benefits with clear focus so that they can buy your offerings at that time.
  1. Give statistics or social proof:
Try to use your statistics and ay other information that will show your business’ credentials. Even testimonials work great here. You can also add your social media page stats like Facebook or Twitter likes, number of pages viewed, number of clients you have, your market share, your website page visits, your website ratings and a lot more. This information will help in creating trust and gaining your customers’ confidence so that they can finally purchase your products/services.
  1. Call to Action:
The main objective of your landing page is to generate leads or increase company revenues. It should achieve your landing page conversion objective. It is the point at which you should convince your audience to take their buying decision now by clicking on call to action.
Keep your landing page aligned with the theme and content, use of right color, font style and size, length of the landing page, appropriate use of image size and correct use of USPs so that you can achieve the desired objective. Landing pages are one of the online digital marketing tools that can help in getting visitors on your website page. The correct use of landing pages will generate positive results otherwise, if your landing page is poorly designed than you will miss the opportunity to get higher visitors on your sites. For designing landing pages, you should also have a professional team of digital marketing and creative team of designers. However, creation of landing pages is the responsibility of Pay Per Click (PPC) Manager as he/she is the person who will place it. Placement of landing pages is the most important point and it will help in getting traffic and increase sales. If landing pages are of wrong size, overly filled with stuff and is wrongly placed than all you work will be ruined because you will not get your desired results. Keep it simple, elegant and moderately filled with most relevant USPs and benefits.
Source: Pinterest
The 5 Essential Elements of a Winning Landing Page

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